Tuesday, April 7, 2009

North Shore...

Wow! What can I say? North shore was off the wall... I'm telling you if we just keep giving God the glory He is gonna do mighty things... "From vision to reality" (youtube coming soon)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Altar and Sacrifice

We all learned yesterday that their is two different types of altars in the Scriptures. One was an altar where anyone could place a sacrifice of peace and thanksgiving and the other only the Levites could tie the sacrifice to the horns and offer it to God.

The Apostle Paul told us in the book of Romans to be a living sacrifice unto God. How is your altar this morning? Is your altar suitable to place your life on for a good savoring aroma unto God? Will God be pleased to smell the smoke from your sacrifice?

If God is pleased His fire will come down to consume your life as a living sacrifice to Him...