Warriors are made in the heat of battle.
What made David so feared by his enemies and esteemed by those who knew him personally?
David was a man of war.
From the beginning of his walk David's heart was full of resistance towards the enemy. His time tending his father's sheep made him understand that if he was going to be successful at anything then he was going to need to learn how to fight for what belonged to him and his family. David was able to beat down lions and bears but he didn't give up there. He had a giant or two that he needed to face. Those experiences David had as a young man were just a preparation for what was to come.
How can you become a warrior? The only way you can earn the title of warrior is if you are tested in life's struggles and battles and come out a winner. Fight young men and women of God and don't let the enemy just take you out without a fight... Resist the enemy! You will get the victory if you resist...
The Devil is a deceiver, an accuser, a tempter. We read of his schemes and traps. It was his cunning, his craftiness that tricked Eve in the garden and led to the fall. And we are told that he often disguises himself as an angel of light and so recommends evil to human minds as something that is good. In other words, his chief method of working in the world seems to be to persuade people to believe what is not true. Satan has two chief lies,two lies above all his others. The first is the one he told Eve: "you surely shall not die." He teaches men and women to believe that their sins are not serious and that they have nothing to fear from the wrath of God. And his second, as the accuser of the brethren, once his first lie has failed, is to convince believers that their sins are too great, too offensive to God for them to find forgiveness. And is it not the case that we are always struggling somewhere around those two lies -- we are taking our sins with far too little seriousness or we are taking them to be greater than the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ. See. Satan's a schemer. He Knows all the tricks in the book. Hes been roaming around the earth since the very beginning. Look at What he told Jesus before he attacked Job. Jesus asked him, "Were have you been" and Satan Replied, "From Roaming around the world". He has something plotted for every individual Youth at the church. But just as Job Went through his Battle he had someone looking after him. Don't be scared to fight your battles, cuz even though at the time it might not seem like it, Jesus is there looking after you. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteAnd remember, the battle is the Lord's! The enemy's fate is already sealed! Praise be to God! Use the word, because as isaiah 55 says that the Lord's word will not come back to Him empty, but it will accomplish that which it was set out to do! Hallelujah! God has promised beautiful things for this group, He's just getting started! Fight the good fight, and run the race. Remember, a good athlete paces themself while competing and in the end comes out victorious. God bless everyone and remember, no turning back. We've come too far to give up now, and in the name of Jesus we will get there! Praise God!
ReplyDeleteoh no they are at it again
ReplyDeleteSol..?? Tell me something...Should we lay it on em again..?? Lolz!
ReplyDeleteOkay. Let's start off with this. What is a battle...? People constantly say, "I'm going through a battle". I'm going to give two meanings on the word Battle, first one is- Battle- A hostile encounter or engagement between opposing military forces. The second meaning is, any conflict or struggle. You see Sol, some peoplke don't understand being a Christian for the rest of your life will bring battles. Ay! David Had to fight Goliath, Daniel Had to fast 21 days to recieve his message, Jesus had to defeat his Giant while in the Desert! Oh Halleluyah. Pick up your sling and stone and fight people. It's time to stand up and say, "TU VIENES CONTRA MI CON ESPADA Y JABALINA, MAS YO VENGO CONTRA TI EN EL NOMBRE DE JESUS!!!! Ay Papa! Alava La Gloria! Tag! Your it Sol! Let em Kno!
ReplyDeleteThat's right! Battles ain't battles if the trials ain't present! ALABA! The thing is, I think sometimes we forget, because we become too comfortable with the way things are going for us, we expect God to do things in a certain way, or we expect to be blessed and for things to be peachy keen, as the saying goes. Lol. But the fact is, we need to feel like we're fighting! Why? Hello, it's a fight! This is spiritual warfare, we're in the business of saving LIVES, my brothers and sisters, it's not a joke. Of course we're gonna feel like we don't feel like going to church, of course we're gonna feel like we're not doing the right thing in God's eyes, of COURSE we're gonna feel like the whole weight of the world is on our shoulders! But you know something? In those instances, we need to humble ourselves in front of God and ask Him for help! We can't fight this on our own, the battle is the Lord's! But don't get lazy! You gotta do your part in serving God, obeying Him, and walking according to His word. Another thing, don't get rough tough and talk trash to the enemy if you don't have the consecration in front of God to back it up. Even then, he's not the focal point here. Our focus is GOD! Most of the time the ones that we're really supposed to be fighting against is our sinful nature, the desires that we have to do whatever we want....that's why we feel like we're stuck, that's why we feel like there's no way out of our mess, that's why we feel like we can't get up, it's cuz we're doing our own thing! But I wanna ask you a question...
ReplyDelete...Will your heart and soul say Yes...? GLORIA DIOS!!
*TAG* ur it JoeY!!
ReplyDeleteAyiyiyi!!! Padre Santo! Sol, You don't Know what you just said! Es que ja mucho creyente no qiere el peso sobre su esparda! Porque ahora ay Dos differente tipo de cristianos, el primero que qiere la voluntad de ellos, y el que qiere la voluntad de el Padre! Porque Yo no vine Para ser la voluntad mia, Si no a hacer la voluntad de el qien me Llamo y envio! Ay Papa! Your gonna need to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, your gonna need to fight! Your Gonna need to sweat drops of Blood! Your gonna need to get beaten till you reach Golgotha! Ay Padre Santo! Mi alma Te Alaba! I'm gonna teach you a secret. If God Has put a certain weight over your shoulders, its because he has trusted you to carry it for his Glory! Oh my goodness. I can feel God's Glory! I never felt this before.
ReplyDeleteLet me teach you something else. Ay Papa! Jesus was being tested like the Gold. Come on Holy Spirit! See. He felt the heat. There was pressure! He had a choice! Mi alma te alaba Jehova! Sometimes the Gold is real, sometimes it's fake. Halleluyah! But there's only one way to know for sure if the Gold is real or fake! You gotta put it through the fire. Jesus was put into the fire at this moment and was tested. God wants to know who's real. Who's for him! Or who's here just to look pretty! Alabab la Gloria Ahora! And Jesus said something that impacted me, that impacted this world. "Lord, If it is your will, Let this cup pass from me, and let your will be done." Glory to God! He came out pure under the heat of the battle. Jesus was having a struggle, The flesh didn't wanna give into the will of God. But Jesus Died to his will, and died for the Father's. Glory to Jesus! Thank You.
ReplyDeleteAnd Ima tell you something else that the Lord showed me, I praise you Jesus! When gold is being passed through the fire, that's when the impurities come out. MHMMMM!!! Cuz this is a path toward perfection, God wants the best outta you, you just gotta let Him work, even when it hurts...Don't give up! See, the enemy wants to make you think that you're no good, that God doesn't love you because you're a certain way, maybe you got a bad temper, maybe you say things you shouldn't say, oh but go look into the mirror and tell that mirror GOD AINT THROUGH WITH ME YET! See cuz sometimes we have to push ourselves, we have to fight against what we want to do what God wants! We gotta confess it with our mouths, SPEAK it into being! Hallelujah!!
Wow Sol. They Gonna kick us off The Blog. But you know what..??? Heck No We won't Go! Heck No We Won't Go!
ReplyDeleteThere goes Ronald and Sol again... Anyways. . . Hey can someone help me? I don't know how to follow a blog. I followed my own (lol) but I don't know how to follow another person's blog. Thanks. God bless all.