Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Prayer (part 2)

Ok, so I read almost all of you're comments...

My question is if we know how important prayer is why is it so difficult to have a disciplined prayer life?


  1. La carne, mi hermano! The flesh, my brotha!

  2. Well its difficult because our flesh doesnt like us humbling ourselves and because Satan always tries to throw diferent things at you to distract while your praying.
    But difficult doesnt mean impossible

  3. people just click post comment twice after it say it doesnt work just click it again and it works its not that hard

  4. hey Nathan can I decorate the
    blog you know make it look good and stuff? -♥lea♥

  5. I am open to suggestions lea but I cant grant you access quite yet to this sight. :(

  6. its difficult because our flesh doesnt like us to humbling ourselves and bc when we go to prayer some thing comes up in r mine or bc sometime we think it not da importan to pray

  7. site*

    (sorry nate, I had to. LOL.)

  8. Well, if we refer to the Bible, when Jesus went to pray in the garden of Gethsemane, he returned to find some of his disciples sleeping, and He told Peter "What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

    I think that's just it; we're weak. We're lazy, and bottom line, us in ourselves, we don't really want to pray. I know that most of us would much rather be wrapped up in a warm blanket accompanied by a fluffy pillow and knocked out for days. But the reality of it is, that there is too much going on for us NOT to pray, that's why we are instructed by God in His Word not only to pray, but to watch. That's why when we have vigils, we're being vigilant, we're watching, being connected with God, interceding, pleading, crying out to God for mercy, denying what we want and doing what we were created to do in the first place: to have a relationship with God, to strive to walk with Him just as Adam did in the Garden of Eden...

    Prayer isn't full unless we're watching, and we can't watch in the Spirit unless we're praying, so they go hand in hand really. The Lord wants us to be alert. And it's so hard to acquire that because our flesh just doesn't like it.

  9. Prayer isn't complete* I meant

  10. Leah decorating the site?? Hey guys, do you want cute, or good?? I don't know, Nathan. She might pink it up. Haha. Lol.
